Monday, September 4, 2017

Steroids Burned Her Face

OMG Look What Topical Steroids Did To This Poor Girls Face

Steroids – bad for you inside and out – if your taking them to get bigger muscle or for whatever else reason you would take them they are pretty much gauranteed to have a negative effect on your health. Its theultimate tower of babel – but for the body.

If you take steroids your just saying that you care more about the way you look than your actual health – and what does that say abut the person. Its a double edged sword isnt it – the type of person that would take them is the type of person that doesnt really care about health!

This Woman’s Addiction to Topical Steroids Literally Burned Her Skin Off

9/1/2017 12:00:00 AM +00:00

topical steroid cream


If you’ve ever used an over-the-counter steroid cream (such as hydrocortisone) to treat your skin, you may want to listen up: It turns out these common topical ointments have the potential seriously …

from Health Fitness Place